Our Resources

Elizabeth Ann Smith LCSW, ACSW in Scottsdale, AZ wants to make sure that you have the resources you need to help with your situation. From coping mechanisms to additional literature about your particular situation, we have the information you need to keep moving forward. Browse through the information below to learn more.

Relaxation Exercises

This relaxation exercise involves 3 sets of deep breaths, with 3 breaths in each set.

Breathing Techniques 3/3/3
3 sets of deep breaths
3 breaths in each set.

Step 1: First set 3 deep and diaphragmatic breaths.
Step 2: Second set 3 deep breaths. Exhale with a sigh. Alternative exhale to a count of 7.
Step 3: Third set 3 breaths. With each breath, when exhaling, feel as though you are sinking in to the chair you are sitting on.
Step 4: Recycle through the 3 sets. Continue the exercise for 5 minutes.

Book Suggestions for Marriage and Couple Counseling

  • Any book by John Gottman
  • Eva Berlander, You Can Make it Happen
  • Gary Chapman, Love as a Way of Life
  • Gary Chapman, Love Languages
  • Harville Hendrix, Getting the Love you Want
  • Terrence Real, The New Rules of Marriage in the 21st Century

Books on Grief and Grieving

  • A Time To Grieve , Meditations For Healing After The Death Of A Loved One, by Carol Staudacher
  • Death and Dying, by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  • Grieving Handbook for Recovery, by John James
  • Hope Will Find You, by Rabbi Naomi Levy
  • I Was Not Ready To Say Goodbye: Surviving, Coping, And Healing After The Sudden Death Of A Loved One, by Brook Noel and Pamela D. Blair, PHD
  • Living When A Loved One Has Died, by Earl A. Grollman
  • To Begin Again: Journey Back to Life, by Rabbi Naomi Levy

Healing Journey

Four mediations from our stress relief CD, entitled “Healing Journey” are included below. Feel free to listen to them. These meditations are narrated by Elizabeth Ann Smith LCSW, ACSW.

Breathing Meditation
Stress Buster
Serenity Meditations

Resources for Seniors

Senior Resources

Contact Us

Elizabeth Ann Smith LCSW, ACSW

7702 East Doubletree Ranch Road, Suite 300, Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | Phone: 480-294-4581480-294-4581

Business Hours:
Monday – Saturday: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Early Evening and Early Morning Appointments Are Negotiable

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